Meital’s (IUCEL) main goal is to promote educational technology through national and international collaborations. Meital’s participation in international projects is used as a source of funds for Meital’s activities in general.
Our main international projects are listed below:


Connects Israeli and European experts in the field of English language learning and assessment.
Develops a new framework for English teaching in Israeli colleges and universities.
Aligns a framework for English Teaching in Higher Education in Israel with Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The framework is constructed to conform to European standards, while satisfying the requirements of the Israeli Council for Higher Education (MALAG).
Meital provides network, infrastructure and OER

לאתר הפרויקט
The project’s website

PRACE- CodeVault

An open repository containing various high performances computing code samples for the HPC community. The CodeVault is an open platform that supports self-education of learning HPC programming skills, through which HPC users can share example code snippets, proof-of-concept codes and more.
The project’s website

CodeVault PRACE – MOOCs

Trial of massively open on-line course as a new training method for PRACE. The project develops two MOOCs dealing with High performances computing.


The eduOER’s service enables the structured search, use and re-use of educational resources that were previously scattered across Europe in multiple repositories, infrastructures and services.
The front-end portal of eduOER provides users such as educators and students with the means to search and find open educational multimedia content across multiple disciplines, geographical origins and languages, in order to re-use, revise, remix or redistribute it.
The project’s website

MAOR (Meta-data and Object Repository)

Metadata on a variety of modular learning objects, including online courses and lessons, presentations, simulations, websites, video/audio clips, blogs, wiki, exercises, assignments, quizzes, etc.
5000 OER in Hebrew and 60,000 in English
Connection to Moodle
OER Workshops and seminars for Meital community

The project’s website

Up to University (Up2U)

The key objective of our project is to bridge the gap between secondary schools and higher education and research by better integrating formal and informal learning.
During 2016, Meital (IUCEL) continued to promote international cooperation and joint activities with companies and organizations around the world, including collaboration between Meital (IUCEL) and Merlot, which deals with services and infrastructure related to the use of open learning resources.