וובינר בינלאומי בנושא למידה מרחוק בהשתתפות מיט"ל

The International Relations Office of the HMU and our partners from WIS and MEITAL  organize, in collaboration with its partners all over Europe that have an expertise in online teaching, a webinar (split into three parts) in online teaching free of charge)


These webinars as an objective have to provide tips in: (a) how to organize an online course; (b) what tools to use; (c) how to engage your students; (d) and how to support students emotionally to study using online tools. The webinars will be lively streamed using the streamyard and through the youtube channel.

The webinar targets more the needs of Academic – Teachers. Your participation will be essential for us since you will ask questions from your perspective and make the webinar more interactive. To register please use both of the following options:

 For registration


To raise questions before the webinar



The registrations will close on the 24th of April 2020


webinar program